Vocabulary teaching and learning

Vocabulary teaching and learning


Vocabulary teaching and learning:

Vocabulary does an important role in learning to read. Early readers must use the words they hear orally to make sense of the words they see in print. Vocabulary is not only the knowledge of words but also word meanings. Vocabulary is a such type knowledge that not only implies a definition but also implies how that word fits into the world. Vocabulary knowledge is not something that can ever be fully mastered; it is something that expands and deepens for a lifetime. Vocabulary instruction involves far more than looking up words in a dictionary and using the words in a sentence. Vocabulary is acquired by the way through indirect exposure to words and willfully through explicit instruction in specific words and word-learning strategies.

For example, just consider, what happens when a beginning reader comes to the word dig in a book. As she begins to figure out the sounds represented by the letters d, i, and g. The reader realizes that the sounds make up a very familiar word. She has heard and said many times. It is difficult for a beginning reader to figure out words that are not already part of her speaking (oral) vocabulary.

Vocabulary is also very important to reading comprehension. Word meaning is essential to comprehend the meaning of the sentence.  So, readers will be unable to understand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words mean. As children learn to read more advanced texts. So they must learn the meaning of new words that are not part of their oral vocabulary.

There are four types of vocabulary:

  • Listening vocabulary: the words we need to know to understand what we hear
  • Speaking vocabulary: the words we use when we speak
  • Reading vocabulary: the words we can read and understand
  • Writing vocabulary: the words we use in writing

In the assessment of vocabulary in beginning or struggling readers, the use of an oral measure (listening and/or speaking vocabulary) is very important. A written evaluate of vocabulary will daze vocabulary knowledge with reading skills.

For instance, if a student who struggles with decoding gets a low score on a vocabulary measure that requires reading, it will be difficult to know whether the low score reflects vocabulary limitations or merely the fact that the child could not decode the words on the test.

Introducing vocabulary

Techniques to introduce vocabulary:

To introduce using classroom language and three techniques to introduce vocabulary to learners. It also looks at how to adapt and use textbook activities so they are communicative and fun.

It covers the professional practice: Knowing the subject.

Element – Selecting appropriate methodology and resources for introducing and practicing specific areas of the target language and language skills, including vocabulary.


In here we will learn or we will be will be able to:

  • use different techniques to introduce vocabulary communicatively
  • use textbook materials to teach vocabulary
  • make resources for teaching vocabulary describe how your learners learn new vocabulary.


Three techniques for teaching vocabularies

Technique 1 – Using real objects (realia)

  • Show the object and drill pronunciation, first chorally, then individually.
  • Show the object and say the name.
  • Show the object and elicit the name by asking: What’s this?

Vocabulary techniques

Technique 1: Using real objects (realia)

  1. Show the object and say the name. A
    2. Get all the learners to practice asking and answering the question in pairs.
    3. Get learners to ask classmates: What’s this? It’s a (notebook), across the class in open pairs. 4. Show the object and elicit/give a sentence: It’s a (pen).
    5. Show the object and drill pronunciation, first chorally, then individually.
    6. Show the object and elicit the name by asking: What’s this?
    7. Get two learners to the front to ask and answer the question: What’s this?

Technique 2: Using mime

  1. Get learners to practice miming, asking, and answering in groups of three or four.
  2. Get five learners to the front. Get them all to mime actions. Ask the rest of the class: What is (name) doing?
  3. Repeat with a different learner and ask the question: What is she/he doing? Elicit answer.
  4. Mime the action, elicit the verb, and drill.
  5. Mime the action and say the verb. A
  6. Get a learner to mime the actions at the front. Say what she/he is doing: She/he is drinking.
  7. Get three learners to the front. A mimes, B asks, C answers the question: What is (name) doing?


Technique 3: Using picture flashcards

  1. Get eight learners to the front, and give each a flashcard. Get them to ask you

What’s her/his job?

  1. Give groups picture and word flashcards and get them to match them.
  2. Get learners to copy and label pictures in their notebooks.
  3. Show picture flashcards and say the names.
  4. Show picture flashcards and ask: What’s her/his job?
  5. Get the eight learners to walk around the class, asking their classmates: What’s her/his job?
  6. Show pictures again and drill pronunciation, first chorally, then individually.



  • We learn useful words and expressions in English for teaching vocabulary.
  • We take part in a teaching demonstration by our trainer.
  • We discuss how we can use and improve vocabulary activities in our textbooks.
  • We create our resources.
  • We practice introducing vocabulary in small groups.
  • We think about how to help our learners learn new vocabulary.



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