What are learning materials, making and using learning materials part-3
Collection of educational materials
Materials needed to conduct learning activities should be collected in advance. Materials can be collected in various ways.
The procurement process according to the source of procurement of materials is described below-
(a) Education Department of Govt.:
Various types of educational materials are available from the Education Department of Govt.
For example, curriculum, textbooks, and teacher guidelines are available from the National Curriculum and Textbook Board.
Pre-Primary Education Department textbooks, writing books, charts, calendars, posters, flashcards, toys, etc. are provided by the Directorate of Primary Education.
All these materials should be collected on time and stored in the school.
(b) Development Organizations / Non-Governmental Organizations:
Various educational materials are sometimes produced and distributed by the United Nations Educational and Child Development Organization UNESCO and UNICEF.
UNESCO produces various posters, teacher’s guides, advocacy guides, etc. on education and culture.
UNICEF also distributes various posters, teacher aids, story books. They also provide charts, flashcards,10 toys, etc.
School can collect these materials. They should contract the offices of these organizations.
Besides, various organizations such as English in Action provide training in English teaching. They also provides mobile phones, audio speakers. They also supply storage device cards, etc. for classroom use.
Other non-governmental organizations also sometimes provide various educational materials. These materials can be collected and kept for the school with a timely inquiry.
(c) Local Donors:
Local donors such as philanthropists, public representatives, and school management committee (SMC) members supply various materials for the needs of the school.
In many cases, they can be contacted and informed about the needs of the school to collect the necessary materials.
(d) Teacher-Student:
The teacher can collect various types of teaching materials. He can communicate through different channels.
Again, by oneself or with the help of students, one can collect various bean seeds, tamarind seeds, pebbles, bamboo sticks, clay marbles, real samples, etc.
You can collect various materials like maps, posters, pictures, old coins, postage stamps, etc.
You can collect required images from old calendars, magazines, and newspapers.
Preparation of educational materials
Teaching and learning activities need a variety of materials.
Many of these we collect from various sources and run.
But still, many materials are required, which we cannot collect from anywhere. Some of these materials may be purchased from the market.
But if the economic aspects of schools in our country, we cannot think about advanced and expensive materials.
In this case, to meet the lack of expensive equipment or other materials, sometimes the teacher can make interesting equipment. Some models, and other educational materials with his own hands using low-cost or no-cost raw materials with the help of students.
In this case, most of the raw materials can be collected from the environment. Unused waste materials from schools and the environment are used to make such materials.
A variety of useful materials can be made from readily available and readily available raw materials.
For example, different animals, mountains, fruits, etc. can be made with clay or paper. Abacus, measuring models like ruler compasses and geometric shapes can be made from wood, bamboo sticks, etc.
Charts, designs, pictures, charts, cartoons, etc. can be drawn on art paper, poster paper, or the reverse side of an old calendar. Using pencil, ink, and colors appropriately make it easier.
The unused mouth of the drink bottle can be used as a teaching tool . For math calculations, writing number symbols, and English or Bengali alphabets with a sign pen inside the cork.
Drinking straws can be used to count, and number symbols and geometric shapes can be used for straws.
Nice educational materials can be made by writing maps, number symbols, and alphabets on art paper like lentils, rice, etc. with gum.
Apart from this, we can use roots, bark, rope, chaff, straw, coconut garlands, coir, jute, fibers. We can also use old clothes, snails, foam, empty boxes, etc. can be used to make various materials.
Text-related pictures can be used by drawing them from textbooks on art paper, poster paper, or the reverse of an old calendar.
Apart from that, lesson charts of various subjects can also be created. A beautiful poster or chart can be made by cutting newspaper pictures and arranging them on art paper or poster paper.
This article was first published on Innovative Education.
To see part-1 click here.